Database Reference
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The first three records from each table are shown in the output. Because the
resulting records from both tables are appended together in the output, it is
important that the columns are specified in the same order and that the data
types of the columns are compatible. UNION ALL merges the results of the two
SELECT statements regardless of any duplicate records appearing in both SELECT
statements. If only UNION was used, any duplicate records, based on all the
specified columns, would be eliminated.
The INTERSECT operator determines any identical records that are returned by
two SELECT statements. For example, if one wanted to know what items were
purchased prior to 2013 as well as later, the SQL query using the INTERSECT
operator would be this.
SELECT product_id
FROM orders_arch
SELECT product_id
FROM orders_recent
It is important to note that the intersection only returns a product_id if it
appears in both tables and returns exactly one instance of such a product_id .
Thus, only a list of distinct product IDs is returned by the query.
To count the number of products that were ordered prior to 2013 but not after that
point in time, the EXCEPT operator can be used to exclude the product IDs in the
orders_recent table from the product IDs in the orders_arch table, as shown
in the following SQL query.
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