Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Key Concepts
Regular expressions
User-defined functions
Window functions
In-database analytics is a broad term that describes the processing of data
within its repository. In many of the earlier R examples, data was extracted from
a data source and loaded into R. One advantage of in-database analytics is that
the need for movement of the data into an analytic tool is eliminated. Also, by
performing the analysis within the database, it is possible to obtain almost real-time
results. Applications of in-database analytics include credit card transaction fraud
detection, product recommendations, and web advertisement selection tailored for
a particular user.
A popular open-source database is PostgreSQL. This name references an important
in-database analytic language known as Structured Query Language (SQL) .
This chapter examines basic as well as advanced topics in SQL. The provided
examples of SQL code were tested against Greenplum database, which is
based on PostgreSQL 8.2.15. However, the presented concepts are applicable to
other SQL environments.
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