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contacts. With such insight, target the high-probability customers with
appropriate offers to prevent churn.
Engineering: Based on operating conditions and various diagnostic
measurements, determine the probability of a mechanical part
experiencing a malfunction or failure. With this probability estimate,
schedule the appropriate preventive maintenance activity.
6.2.2 Model Description
Logistic regression is based on the logistic function
, as given in Equation 6.7 .
Note that as
. So, as Figure 6.14
illustrates, the value of the logistic function
varies from 0 to 1 as y increases.
Figure 6.14 The logistic function
Because the range of is (0, 1), the logistic function appears to be an appropriate
function to model the probability of a particular outcome occurring. As the value
of y increases, the probability of the outcome occurring increases. In any proposed
model, to predict the likelihood of an outcome, y needs to be a function of the input
variables. In logistic regression, y is expressed as a linear function of the input
variables. In other words, the formula shown in Equation 6.8 applies.
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