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The output also includes the (112,611), (862), the F -test statistic (130.6), and
the p -value (< 2e-16). The F -test statistic is much greater than 1 with a p -value
much less than 1. Thus, the null hypothesis that the means are equal should be
However, the result does not show whether offer1 is different from offer2 ,
which requires additional tests. The TukeyHSD() function implements Tukey's
Honest Significant Difference (HSD) on all pair-wise tests for difference of means.
Tukey multiple comparisons of means
95% family-wise confidence level
Fit: aov(formula = purchase_amt ˜ offers, data = offertest)
diff lwr upr p adj
offer1-nopromo 40.961437 33.4638483 48.45903 0.0000000
offer2-nopromo 48.120286 40.5189446 55.72163 0.0000000
offer2-offer1 7.158849 -0.4315769 14.74928 0.0692895
The result includes p -values of pair-wise comparisons of the three offer options.
The p -values for offer1-nopromo and offer-nopromo are equal to 0, smaller
than the significance level 0.05. This suggests that both offer1 and offer2 are
significantly different from nopromo . A p -value of 0.0692895 for offer2 against
offer1 is greater than the significance level 0.05. This suggests that offer2 is
not significantly different from offer1 .
Because only the influence of one factor (offers) was executed, the presented
ANOVA is known as one-way ANOVA. If the goal is to analyze two factors, such
as offers and day of week, that would be a two-way ANOVA [16]. If the goal is to
model more than one outcome variable, then multivariate ANOVA (or MANOVA)
could be used.
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