Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Dynamics and the Laws 
of  Motion
If you are to begin to study action and apply it to your work in animation, it
can be useful to gain a little basic understanding of the laws that govern those
actions you are aiming to analyze. Some understanding of such laws will
improve the analysis of action and thereby improve your animation.
An Approach to Study: What You
Need to Know
How do we go about using a knowledge of the laws of motion as part of
your analysis and then apply this analysis to your practice as an animator?
It would help at the outset to establish what level of knowledge and
understanding you will need and that will be helpful. As interesting as this
topic undoubtedly is, you may be relieved to hear that it will not be necessary
to understand the underpinning mathematics behind the laws that govern
the movement of objects. The study of the laws of physics and the nature
and behavioral tendencies of materials under particular circumstances is, for
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