Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Ever since the ousting of the military govern-
ment in 1983, Argentine cinema has achieved a
measure of worldwide recognition. In 1986,
films like La Historia Oficial (The Official
Story) won academy awards and brought to
light the suffering caused by The Dirty War
that plagued the country in the late 1970s and
early 80s.
Music & Dance
Argentineans are proud of the old saying: “The
Mexicans descended from the Aztecs, the Peru-
vians from the Incas, but we descended from
boats.” Their music, melody and harmony have
roots in these diverse pasts.
European influence has always been a strong
component of Argentine music. Jesuit mission-
aries in the 17th century were already compos-
ing and teaching music. The works of Alberdi,
Alcorta and Blas Parera (composer of the
national anthem) all demonstrate a markedly
European style. Later composers like Boero,
de Rogatis and Gaito veered only slightly
from the accepted traditions.
Not until the likes of Alberto Williams,
Buchardo and Ugarte was there an attempt
to incorporate native Argentine music into the
generally European framework. Juan José
Castro , Luis Gianneo and Alberto
Ginastera stressed the content as much as the
music, making new inroads in the caliber of
composition. Argentina has many musical art-
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