Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Bonilla to the east. The Inca Road is believed to
have passed through here. In fact, Inca arti-
facts, including arrowheads, painted ceramics,
and hieroglyphics, have been found nearby in
Ranchillos Fundición, Tamborillos and
Yalguaraz. The area was equally important to
General San Martín and his Army of the Andes.
Many of the weapons used in their fight for
independence were cast at Las Bóvedas ,a
group of well-preserved buildings five kilome-
ters (three miles) outside town. Las Casuchas
de Upsallata , also nearby, date back to the
18th century. They provided shelter to travel-
ers as well as San Martín's troops.
Did You Know?
The General's first battle in the War of
Independence took place at Puente
Colonial Fortín Pichueta , a fortress
just 15 miles outside Upsallata.
A popular destination, Upsallata boasts several
restaurants, regional handicraft shops and
hotels, including the four-star Hotel Valle
Andino on Route 7 (fax 2624/420-003 or 425-
8424). Skiers often stay in Upsallata rather
than at the resorts, which tend to be slightly
higher priced.
Continuing on Route 7 you'll pass through the
railway town of Punta de Vacas , 2,400 meters
(7,900 feet) above sea level and one of the last
stops before the tunnel to Chile. The Interna-
tional Customs Office is based here. The main
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