Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Barrio Cívico
Follow Avenida Mitre south from Plaza
Independencia to the administrative heart of
Mendoza, the Barrio Cívico or Parque
Cívico (Civic Park) as it is also called. Provin-
cial as well as city government buildings are set
amidst expansive green lawns, fountains and
groves of pine, olive, linden and cedar trees. For
a fantastic view of the city and the surrounding
area, climb to the Terraza Jardín Mirador
(Watchtower Terrace) on the seventh floor of
the Municipalidad de Mendoza (the Munici-
pal Palace). Next door at Calle Peltier 611, in
what was the first teaching bodega in the prov-
ince, is the Museo del Vino Enoteca Giol
(The Giol Wine School Museum). Original oak
casks, ancient machinery, and international
and national prizes are displayed here. The
authentic flag of the Ejército de los Andes,
which was embroidered by the women of
Mendoza, is displayed in the Sala de la Bandera
(Flag Hall) in the Casa de Gobierno (Govern-
ment Building). The Aduana de Mendoza
(Customs House), Centro de Congresos y
Exposiciones Emilio Civit (Emilio Civit
Exposition Center), the Palacio Policial
(Police Headquarters) and the Poder Judicial
and Tribunales Federales (Provincial and
Supreme Court House) are also in the Park.
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