Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Redentor Tunnel at the border with Chile, also
passes through Mendoza.
By Bus: The Chevallier (
4314-5555, in Bue-
nos Aires) and Jocoli (
4311-8203, in Buenos
Aires) bus lines offer service between Buenos
Aires and Mendoza.
El Plumerillo International Airport is
located six miles east of the city. A remis cab
into Mendoza will cost around $9. The Tourist
Office ( Subsecretario de Turismo) has a
kiosk in the airport where you can pick up maps
and tourist information. There is a branch of
Avis in the airport as well. The train station is
a few blocks from the Plaza Chile at the intersec-
tion of Avenida Las Heras and Belgrano. The
bus station , Terminal del Sol, is at the intersec-
tion of Avenida Acceso Este y Costanera, six
blocks east of the Plaza de España.
You should be able to walk virtually anywhere
you want to go within the city. Four blocks in
size, the Plaza Independencia is the heart of
Mendoza. It is surrounded by four plazas, each
two blocks away: Plaza Chile at the northwest
corner; Plaza San Martín at the northeast;
Plaza España at the southeast; and Plaza
Italia at the southwest corner. Avenida
Sarmiento , a major thoroughfare, runs
through the center of the Plaza, east to west.
There is a pedestrian mall, Paseo Sarmiento ,
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