Geoscience Reference
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t 2 g
weaker repulsion
Six oxygen atoms
form an
octahedral site
e g
stronger repulsion
Figure 1.7
Crystal field effect on a transition element, such as Fe, Mn, Cr, in octahedral coordination. Six
oxygen atoms form the apexes of the octahedron. The t 2 g orbitals of the transition element lie
between the oxygen atoms, while the e g orbitals point toward them. The filling of an e g orbital
by electrons therefore has to overcome excess repulsion energy compared with a t 2 g orbital.
e g
+ 3 Δ /5
2 Δ /5
t 2 g
No field
Figure 1.8
Splitting of the d energy levels in the octahedral site of ( Fig. 1.7 ) . If the ion is inserted into a
spherical site, the repulsion to overcome is symmetric for the electrons on all the d orbitals. In an
octahedral site, which is particularly common in silicate rocks, the two e g orbitals are subjected to
stronger repulsion than the three t 2 g orbitals. For the same overall interaction energy, and a
in bonding energy between t 2 g and e g (the crystal field stabilization energy), the
energy shift of the t 2 g orbitals is
5, while the shift for the e g orbitals is
5. In a
tetrahedral site, the situation would be reversed.
2. Ferrous iron Fe 2 + has electronic formula [Ar]3d 6 4s 0 . Once the lowest three t 2 g orbitals
are occupied by one electron each, there are two options: (i) if
is less than the repul-
sive energy of electron-electron pairing, the next electron will fit an upper e g orbital or,
(ii) if
is large, it will pair with an electron on the t 2 g orbital. Two Fe 2 + configurations
are therefore possible in each case ( Fig. 1.9 ) which receive their denomination from
the way electronic spins add up. The most abundant iron in the mantle corresponds to
the small
case and is referred to as “high-spin” Fe. The energy gain due to crystal
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