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During the Archean and the early Proterozoic, the slope of the isotopic evolution curve
for basalt Nd, and so the 147 Sm/ 144 Nd ratio of the mantle, remained fairly low and then,
at around 2 Ga, progressively attained the modern value. Interpretation of this observation
is complex and controversial because much continental crust seems to have been formed
around 2.7 billion years ago. Two important points are involved in the explanation of this
observation: (1) the Earth underwent substantial primordial differentiation that plate tec-
tonics took one or two billion years to erase; and (2) because of the cooling of the Earth,
the significance of violent convective instabilities in the form of hot spots diminished in
favor of slower and more regular heat loss through ridges. The fast cooling of the core
also acted to stabilize mantle convection with respect to plume generation. We will show
in the next chapter that the 142 Nd anomalies left by the extinct 146 Sm radioactivity in
the 3.8 Ga old rocks from Isua, west Greenland require the existence of an early magma
ocean and therefore support hypothesis (1). However, simply because heat production by
radioactivity has declined by a factor of three over the last four billion years, the overall
strength of mantle convection must be less today than in the Archean. This simple argu-
ment implies a reduction over the Earth's history of the juvenile magmatic contribution
to crustal growth from hot spots. It is probable that if recycling of ancient crust is per-
ceived as so important today, as for example in the Alps, the Himalayas, the Appalachians,
or the Hercynian belt of Western Europe, it is because plumes have become much more
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Hofmann, A. W. and White, W. M. (1982) Mantle plumes from ancient oceanic crust.
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Iizuka, T. et al. (2008) Detrital zircon evidence for Hf isotopic evolution of granitic crust
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Lassiter, J. C. and Hauri, E. H. (1998) Osmium-isotope variations in the Hawaiian lavas:
evidence for recycled oceanic lithosphere in the Hawaiian plume. Earth Planet. Sci.
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