Geoscience Reference
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new heterogeneities
log heterogeneity thickness
Figure 6.9
Mixing and stirring. Large-scale heterogeneities (e.g. lithospheric plates) introduced into the
mantle are stretched and folded by convection: more abundant and thinner stripes replace the
thick original ones. This is the stirring domain and transport is, at least in theory, still reversible.
The slope of the log-log plot is
1. When the stripes are reduced so that diffusion becomes a
significant transport process, transport becomes irreversible and may be called mixing.
baking bread. Each event doubles the number of layers and reduces its thickness by a
factor of two. Let us now think of not one but many lithospheric plates or water cores
continuously produced over geological history and injected into the system: each event
of stretching and folding removes a layer from its “class of thickness” and adds it to the
class of half of the original value. We can again apply our birth-and-death theory to guess
the fate of heterogeneities: created by continuous addition of large new objects (young
plates), their characteristic sizes trickle down the length scale upon the effect of mantle
convection ( Fig. 6.9 ). This is the essence of Batchelor's (1959) theory of mixing. Finally,
when the thickness of the stretched and folded layers is reduced to very small length scales
(typically 1-10 cm in the mantle), diffusion transport becomes the prevalent smoothing
process. Small-scale heterogeneities disappear over time scales of 100-1000 Ma in the
mantle and of 10-100 years in the ocean.
Because they are continuously recreated, heterogeneities are unlikely to be evenly dis-
tributed, whether stirring by convection is vigorous or not. The most probable outcome
in a randomly mixed medium is not a pattern of chemical homogeneity. Let us illustrate
this point through a naive comparison. A handful of rice thrown on a checkered table will
never produce a regular distribution of grains over the surface. Instead, the grains will
appear “randomly” spread ( Fig. 6.10 ). By randomly, we mean that any small square is as
likely to receive a rice grain as another. The number of grains one counts on any patch
delimited on the table would be found nearly proportional to the surface area of the patch.
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