Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
more highly coloured sport. 'Cox's Orange Pippin' is susceptible to bitter pit
in storage and to apple scab, fire blight and mildew in the field.
Currently available summaries do not adequately reflect the importance of
cultivars, because these are grown primarily for domestic and local markets
in areas without enough winter chilling for adequate budbreak of the conven-
tional cultivars. The apple industry of Egypt is based on these as are others in
subtropical and tropical climates.
'Anna' is the most widely grown of these 'low-chilling-requirement' apple
cultivars. It was bred in Doar Na Shomron, Israel as a cross between the
local cv. 'Red Hadassiya' and 'Golden Delicious' made in
by Abba Stein,
and introduced in
. The fruit is large with red cheeks where exposed
to the sun. The flesh is subacid to sweet, juicy and mild flavoured with a
smooth texture. It is very precocious and heavy cropping with a compact
habit when grown on a 'MM.
' rootstock. It requires very
little winter chilling in order for budbreak to occur, cropping in Florida in
areas with less than
' or 'MM.
C (Childers,
) and giving a
second, winter, crop in Zimbabwe after a summer without chilling ( Jackson,
hours below
). The period from flowering to harvest is approximately
in Brazil (Bernardi,
) and is similar in Zimbabwe. 'Anna' is unsuitable
for areas with prolonged winters with frost risk, because budbreak may under
these circumstances occur while there is still risk of lethal frost. Other cultivars
with little requirement for winter chilling include 'Dorsett Golden', a chance
seedling of 'Golden Delicious' found in Nassau, Bahamas by Mrs I. Dorsett
and introduced commercially in
. It resembles 'Golden Delicious' but
has poorer colour. 'Maayan' originated in Rehovot, Israel as a selection by
Chanan Oppenheimer of a cross between 'Calville St Saveur
and 'Delicious' and was introduced in
. The fruits are of medium size, the
skin yellow with more than
% of the surface red-coloured. The flesh is juicy
and sweet with a taste rather similar to 'Delicious'. The trees are vigorous,
cropping on spurs. It has a slightly greater chilling requirement than 'Anna'.
'Princesa' was bred at Cacador, Brazil, by F. Denardi, L.F. Hough and A.P.
Camilo from a crossing programme which included 'Anna' in the ancestry. It
was selected in
. In Brazil the fruits average
g in weight and are nearly
% red over a yellow ground colour. The flesh is whitish-cream, firm, juicy,
sweet and subacid. The trees are moderately vigorous. Flowering is
after 'Anna', probably indicating a slightly greater chilling requirement, and
harvesting is also
weeks after 'Anna'. 'Adina' originated in Stanthorpe,
Queensland, Australia, by H. Franklin, and was given a plant patent in
The fruits are large, red to purplish-red, with creamy white, firm juicy and
sweet flesh of high eating quality. The trees have a low chilling requirement of
hours below
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