Agriculture Reference
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Huet, J. (). Etude des effets des feuilles et des fruits sur l'induction florale des
brachyblastes du Poirier. Physiologie Vegetale , -.
Huet, J. (). Floral initiation in pear trees. Acta Horticulturae , -.
Izadyar, A.B. (). Anatomical aspects of alternate bearing in apple trees. Acta
Horticulturae , - .
Jackson, J.E. ( ). Variability in fruit size and colour within individual trees.
Report of the East Malling Research Station for , -.
Jackson, J.E. (a). Individual fruit size in relation to age of bearing wood on
'Laxton's Superb' apple trees. Report of the East Malling Research Station for ,
Jackson, J.E. (
b). Aspects of light climate within apple orchards. Journal of
Applied Ecology
Jackson, J.E. (
). Light interception and utilization by orchard systems.
Horticultural Reviews
Jackson, J.E. and Hamer, P.J.C. (
). The causes of year-to- year variation in
the average yield of Cox's Orange Pippin apple in England. Journal of
Horticultural Science
Jackson, J.E. and Palmer, J.W. (
b). Effects of shade on the growth and
cropping of apple trees. II. Effects on components of yield. Journal of
Horticultural Science , - .
Jackson, J.E., Hamer, P.J.C. and Wickenden, M.F. (). Effect of early spring
temperatures on the set of fruits of Cox's Orange Pippin apple and
year-to-year variation in its yields. Acta Horticulturae , -.
Jackson, J.E., Palmer, J.W., Perring, M.A. and Sharples, R.O. (). Effects of
shade on the growth and cropping of apple trees. III. Effects on fruit growth,
chemical composition and quality at harvest and after storage. Journal of
Horticultural Science , -.
Jackson, J.E., Sharples, R.O. and Palmer, J.W. (). The influence of shade and
within-tree position on apple fruit size, colour and storage quality. Journal of
Horticultural Science , -.
Janssens, G.A., Goderis, I.J., Broekaert, W.F. and Broothaerts, W. (). A
molecular method for S-allele identification in apple based on allele-specific
PCR. Theoretical and Applied Genetics , -.
Jonkers, H. (). Biennial bearing in apple and pear: a literature survey. Scientia
Horticulturae , -.
Ju, Z., Yuan, Y., Liu, C., Wang, Y. and Tian, X. (). Dihydroflavonol
reductase activity and anthocyanin accumulation in 'Delicious', 'Golden
Delicious' and 'Indo' apples. Scientia Horticulturae
). Pollination results of apple, Malus , pear, plum and cherry of
the international working group on pollination. Acta Horticulturae
Keulemans, J., Brusselle, A., Eyssen, R. Vercammen, J. and van Daele, G. (
Fruit weight in apple as influenced by seed number and pollinizer. Acta
Klinac, D.J., Geddes, B. and Wright, S. (). Wood age and floral bud
distribution on four nashi ( Pyrus serotina ) cultivars grown on pergola, Y-frame
and centre-leader training systems in the Waikato region of New Zealand.
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science , -.
Knee, M. (). Anthocyanin, carotenoid and chlorophyll changes in the peel
of Cox's Orange Pippin apples during ripening on and off the tree. Journal of
Experimental Botany , - .
Knight, J.N., Spencer, J.E., Looney, N.E. and Lovell, J.D. (). Chemical
thinning of the apple cultivar Spartan. Journal of Horticultural Science , -.
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