Agriculture Reference
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Gil, G.F., Martin, G.C. and Griggs, W.H. (). Fruit set and development in
the pear: diffusible growth substances from seeded and seedless fruits. Journal
of the American Society for Horticultural Science , -.
Goldway, M., Shai, O., Yehuda, H., Matityahu, A. and Stern, R.A. ().
'Jonathan' apple is a lower-potency pollenizer of 'Topred' than 'Golden
Delicious' due to partial S-allele incompatibility. Journal of Horticultural Science
and Biotechnology , -.
Goldwin, G.K. (). Improved fruit setting with plant growth hormones. Acta
Horticulturae , -.
Goldwin, G.K. and Schwabe, W.W. (). Parthenocarpic fruit in Cox's
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Gomez-Cadenas, A., Mehouachi, J., Tadeo, F.R., Primo-Millo, E. and Talon,
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Goode, J.E. and Ingram, J. (
). The effect of irrigation on the growth,
cropping and nutrition of Cox's Orange Pippin apple trees. Journal of
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Goode, J.E., Higgs, K.H. and Hyrycz, K.J.(a). Abscisic acid applied to
orchard trees of Golden Delicious apple to control water stress. Journal of
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Goode, J.E., Higgs, K.H. and Hyrycz, K.J. (b). Nitrogen and water
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Goodwin, P.B. (). Phytohormones and fruit growth. In Phytohormones and
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Gorter, C.J. and Visser, T. (). Parthenocarpy of apples and pears. Journal of
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Grauslund, J. and Hansen, P. (). Fruit trees and climate. III. The effect of
temperature on fruit set in apple trees. Tidsskrift for Planteavl , -.
Greene, D.W. (). Effect of silver nitrate, aminoethoxyvinylglycine and
gibberellins A + plus -benzylamino purine on fruit set and development of
'Delicious' apples. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science ,
Greenhalgh, W.J. and Godley, G.L. ( ). Studies of fruit shape in apples: a
survey of factors influencing the development of 'typiness' of the cultivar Red
Delicious. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Greenhalgh, W.J., Godley, G.L. and Menzies, R. (
). Studies of fruit shape in
apples: response to gibberellin and cytokinin sprays. Australian Journal of
Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Grochowska, M.J. (
). Comparative studies on physiological and
morphological features of bearing and non-bearing spurs of the apple tree. I.
Changes in starch content during growth. Journal of Horticultural Science ,
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Grochowska, M.J., Karaszewska, A., Jankowska, B. and Mika, A. (). The
pattern of hormones of intact apple shoots and its changes after spraying with
growth regulators. Acta Horticulturae , -.
Gruber, J. and Bangerth, F. (). Diffusible IAA and dominance phenomena
in fruits of apple and tomato. Physiologia Plantarum , -.
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