Agriculture Reference
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Oliveira, C.M. and Priestley, C.A. (). Carbohydrate reserves in deciduous
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Palmer, J.W. ( ). Seasonal variation of light saturated photosynthesis rate of
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). Chloroplasts of the peel and the internal tissues of apple fruits.
Porpiglia, P.J. and Barden, J.A. (
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Priestley, C.A. (). Interconversions of C-labelled sugars in apple tree
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Proctor, J.T.A., Watson, R.L. and Landsberg,J.J.( ). The carbon budget of a
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Quinlan, J.D. ( ). Mobilization of C in spring following autumn assimilation
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Sharkey, T.D. (). Estimating the rate of photorespiration in leaves. Physiologia
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). Radiant heating of apples. Journal of Applied Ecology
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Vemmos, S.N. and Goldwin, G.K. (
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Vemmos, S.N. and Goldwin, G.K. (). The photosynthetic activity of 'Cox's
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Wagenmakers, P.S. (). Planting systems for fruit trees in temperate climates.
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences , -.
Wardlaw, I.F. (). The control of carbon partitioning in plants. New Phytologist
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