Agriculture Reference
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Bepete, M. and Lakso, A.N. (). Apple fruit respiration in the field:
relationships to fruit growth rate, temperature and light exposure. Acta
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Bergh, O. (). Effect of the previous crop on cortical cell number of Malus
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Bieleski, R.L. ( ). Accumulation and translocation of sorbitol in apple
phloem. Australian Journal of Biological Science , -.
Bieleski, R.L. (). Accumulation of sorbitol and glucose by leaf slices of
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Blanke, M.M. (
). Effect of fruit load on whole tree carbon assimilation, dark
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Bravdo, B-A. (
). Effect of environmental factors on leaf photosynthesis, leaf
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in Fruit Trees , ed. A.N. Lakso and F. Lenz, pp.
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Butler, D.R. and Landsberg, J.J. (). Respiration rates of apple trees,
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Buwalda, J.G., Fossen, M. and Lenz, F. (). Carbon dioxide efflux from roots
of calamodin and apple. Tree Physiology , -.
Campbell, R.J., Marini, R.P. and Birch, J.B. (). Canopy position affects light
response curves for gas exchange characteristics of apple spur leaves. Journal of
the American Society for Horticultural Science , -.
Chandler, W.H. (). Dry matter residue of trees and their products in
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Cheng, L. and Luo, X. (). Diurnal and seasonal stomatal regulation of water
use efficiency in leaves of field-grown apple trees. Acta Horticulturae ,
Coombe, B.G. ( ). The development of fleshy fruits. Annual Review of Plant
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Corelli-Grappadelli, L. and Magnanini, E. (). A whole-tree system for
gas-exchange studies. HortScience , -.
Cripps, J.E.L. (). The effect of shading and Alar application on apple
root:shoot ratios in Western Australia. Journal of Horticultural Science ,
Dewar, R.C., Medlyn, B.E. and McMurtie, R.E. (
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). Root respiration of apple trees. I. Influence of environmental
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Fernandez, R.T., Perry, R.L., Flore, J.A. and MacLean, R.M. ().
Photosynthesis, C-photosynthate distribution and shoot and root growth of
young apple trees on rootstocks exposed to flooding. Acta Horticulturae ,
Flore, J.A. and Lakso, A.N. (). Environmental and physiological regulation
of photosynthesis in fruit crops. Horticultural Reviews , -.
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