Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Apple exports. Exports in
MT from the
leading apple exporters
Country and
Country and
rank in
rank in
France ()
France ()
Hungary ()
USA ()
Italy ()
Italy ()
Chile ()
Chile ()
USA ()
Netherlands ()
Argentina ( )
Belg./Lux. ( )
Netherlands ()
New Zealand ()
South Africa ()
Argentina ()
New Zealand ()
South Africa ()
Belg./Lux. ()
Iran ()
Poland ()
Poland ()
China ()
China ()
Data from FAO (, ).
pears in Japan. 'Kosui' is an early-season pear and 'Nijisseiki' and 'Hosui' are
mid-season pears.
Trade in fresh apples
imports, which are a measure of between-country
trade, averaged between
% and
% of production in most years (Belrose,
), i.e. most apples were consumed in the country of production. How-
ever, exports of apples are very important to a number of national economies
and also, to at least some extent, provide an indication of the countries with
comparative advantages in production. Exports are shown in Table
Most exports are to nearby countries. In
the major destinations of ap-
ples exported were as shown in Table
. Exports from France, Italy, Poland,
the USA, the Netherlands, Argentina and Belgium/Luxembourg were all to
neighbouring countries; only those from Chile, New Zealand and South Africa
were to distant countries. In these latter cases the need for long-term storage
during transport is self-evident, though this is of course also true for apples
sold within the country of production. The high level of exports from the
Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg to some extent involves re-export of
imported fruits, but in
Dutch exports of
MT greatly exceeded im-
ports of
MT and the corresponding figures for Belgium-Luxembourg
MT of exports and
MT of imports (FAO,
). Imports
into Poland in
were only
% of exports, no imports were recorded for
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