Agriculture Reference
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Abbott, D.L. (). The Apple Tree: Physiology and Management. London: Grower
Arasu, N.T. ( ). Spur-type sports in apple. Report of the East Malling Research
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Avery, D.J. ( ). Comparison of fruiting and deblossomed maiden apple trees,
and of non-fruiting trees on a dwarfing and an invigorating rootstock. New
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Barlow, H.W.B. ( ). An interim report on a long-term experiment to assess
the effect of cropping on apple tree growth. Report of the East Malling Research
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Barlow, H.W.B. (
). The effect of cropping on the number and kind of shoots
on four apple varieties. Report of the East Malling Research Station for
Barlow, H.W.B. (
a). Effects of temperature on apple shoot growth. In Climate
and the Orchard , ed. H.C. Pereira, pp.
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Barlow, H.W.B. (
b). Effects of cropping on the growth of orchard trees. In
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Barlow, H.W.B. and Hancock, C.R. ( ). Internode growth in stoolbed shoots
of the apple rootstock Crab C. Report of the East Malling Research Station for ,
Barlow, H.W.B. and Hancock, C.R. ( ). The experimental modification of
branch form in an apple rootstock. Botanical Gazette , -.
Barlow, H.W.B. and Hancock, C.R. ( ). The influence of the leaf on the
development of its axillary meristem. Report of the East Malling Research Station for
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Bell, R.L., Scorza, R., Srinivasan, C. and Webb,K.(). Transformation of
'Beurre Bosc' pear with the rol C gene. Journal of the American Society for
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Bepete, M. and Jackson, J.E. (). Apple cultivar performance and response to
a chemical dormancy breaking spray under 'marginal' winter-chilling
conditions in Zimbabwe. Acta Horticulturae , -.
Bernardi, J. (). Behaviour of some apple cultivars in the subtropical region
of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Acta Horticulturae , -.
Blanco-Brana, A. ( ). Effects of growth regulating hormones on the
emergence of shoots following pruning of fruit trees. PhD thesis, London
University (East Malling).
Blanco-Brana, A. and Jackson, J.E. (
a). Effects of applying growth
regulating hormones following fruit tree pruning. I. Effects of different types
and concentrations of auxin and of GA + and
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shoot emergence and wound healing in apple trees. Journal of Horticultural
Blanco-Brana, A. and Jackson, J.E. (
b). Transport of NAA applied to the cut
surfaces of pruned apple branches. Journal of Horticultural Science
Blasco, A.B. ( ). Rootstock effects on growth and cropping of apples with
special reference to fruit quality. PhD thesis, London University (East Malling).
Borkowska, B. (). Dormancy and development of apple axillary buds
investigated in vitro . Acta Horticulturae , -.
Borkowska, B. and Powell, L.E. (/). Abscisic acid relationships in
dormancy of apple buds. Scientia Horticulturae , -.
Broome, O.C. and Zimmerman, R.H. ( ). Breaking bud dormancy in tea
crabapple ( Malus hupehensis (Pamp) Rehd) with cytokinins. Journal of the
American Society for Horticultural Science , -.
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