Agriculture Reference
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Effect of pruning treatments on mean length of annual shoot (cm) of apple trees: average for the years
'M. ' rootstock
'A.' rootstock
'M. ' rootstock
'A.' rootstock
of dormant shoots removed
e a
. g a
. h b
Dormant shoots headed by /
. e
. i
. i b
Dormant shoots headed by /
. g
. j
Pinching in June to - leaves
. c
. d
. e
. cd
Pinching in July to leaves
. b
. b
. b
. b
/ of shoots removed in August
. e
. ef
. f
. def
All dormant lateral buds removed
. f
. h
. hi
/ of dormant lateral buds removed
. d
. fg b
. f
. f
Shoot apexes removed every weeks
. a
. a
. a
. a
New leaves removed every week
. c
. cd
. bc
. cde b
Control, untreated
. e
. c
. fg
. ef
a Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, % level.
b Significant difference between the rootstocks at % level.
From Mika et al. (). Reproduced with permission.
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