Databases Reference
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Here are few examples of application development framework. You can find
more than 20 frameworks on the Web, written in PHP alone:
Apache Cocoon and Apache Struts from Apache software foundation
CakePHP , an open source framework written in PHP
Zend Framework , an open source framework in PHP (preview release)
Eclipse framework from Eclipse foundation
.Net framework from Microsoft
Ruby on Rails , an open source framework written in Ruby
Net Beans , a Java-based Web application development framework by Sun
Microsystems™, Inc.
Catalyst , an open source development framework written in Perl
Django , an open source Web application framework written in Python
Cocoa from Apple computer
Why framework?
A framework provides a skeleton on which you can build a software solution
using different components. A framework also allows developers to focus on
business logic and not the tedious part of software integration. Some people may
argue that using a framework can add code bloat (unnecessary long and slow
code) and also usually involves a steep learning curve. But the increasing
popularity of PHP for database-driven Web applications is enough good reason
for us to consider use of a framework for PHP development in this topic. We
decided to use an open source framework called Zend Framework for PHP. We
divide this chapter into two parts.
Part I gives an overview of PHP application development using Zend Framework
preview release, followed by a sample database application using Zend DB
Adapter for access to DB2 Express-C.
Part II focuses on development of a PHP application using the new XCS (XML
Content Store) technology, which is part of Zend Framework. This section is also
followed by a sample, Social Network Application, which you can build and
deploy very quickly using XCS and new DB2 Express-C XML pureXML
Again, in the spirit of open source, we decided to use the Eclipse application
development environment (with a PHP plug-in) to write PHP code. Zend also
offers a trial version of its development environment called Zend Studio, but we
chose Eclipse because it is free and easy to use.
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