Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Anne's Room
After a while,
Margot moved in with
her parents, and Anne
had to share her room
with a new member
of the group, a dentist
called Fritz Pfeffer - in
Anne's estimation, ”a
very nice man . Anne's
film-star pin-ups are
still up on the wall.
Key to floorplan
Ground floor
First floor
Second floor
Third floor
, and
in separate building
The Chestnut Tree
Some years ago, when
this tree was dying, the
authorities paid a small
fortune to have it preserved
because it was a favourite
of Anne's.
The Front Attic
In a moving display, the
fate of each member of the
group unfolds. Anne and
Margot died a month before
Bergen-Belsen was liberated.
In the musuem's
multimedia space,
visitors can go on a
“virtual” journey
through the Secret
Annexe to find out
more on the people in
hiding and on World
War II.
Anne Frank's Diary
On the day the family
were taken away, Miep
Gies found Anne's diary.
With the words ”here is
your daughter Anne's
legacy to you , she handed
it to Otto Frank on his
return from Auschwitz. He
prepared a transcript, and
the diary was published to
great acclaim in the
Netherlands in 1947, and
in Britain and the United
States in 1952. It has since
been published in more
than 60 languages. Over
800,000 people visit the
museum each year.
The Diary Room
As well as the now
famous red-checked diary,
which she kept every day,
Anne wrote short stories
and ideas for novels. As
time went on, she began
to edit her original diary
with a book called The
Secret Annexe in mind.
The Exhibition
The Anne Frankhuis
promotes racial
tolerance through
education. After the
tour, visitors can partic-
ipate in a video present-
ation on related issues.
For more Jewish sights in Amsterdam See pp48-9
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