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abstract presentation patterns that are organized hierarchically in three levels: access
structure, interaction units, and auxiliary patterns. The first level allows the specifica-
tion of the system access structure. Based on the menu-like view provided by the first
level, the second level allows the specification of the interaction units of the system.
The interaction units are groups of functionality that allow the users of the application
to interact with the system. Thus, the interaction units of the interaction model repre-
sent entry-points for the application, and they can be:
A Service Interaction Unit (SIU). This interaction unit represents the interac-
tion between a user of the application and the execution of a system service.
A Population Interaction Unit (PIU). This interaction unit represents the inter-
action with the system that deals with the presentation of a set of instances of a
An Instance Interaction Unit (IIU). This interaction unit represents the interac-
tion with an object of the system.
The three previous elementary interaction units can be composed to build a
Master Detail Interaction Unit (MDIU).
The third level of the presentation model allows the specification of the auxiliary
patterns that characterize lower level details about the behavior of the interaction
units. These auxiliary patterns are: entry, selection list, arguments grouping, masks,
filters, actions, navigations, order criteria, and display set. The display set pattern is
used to specify which attributes of a class or its related classes will be shown to the
user in a PIU or an IIU.
Table 1 lists a set of rules of the OOmCFP measurement procedure that are related
to the mapping between COSMIC and OO-Method, and how these rules help to find
defect in the conceptual models.
Table 1. Mapping Rules of OOmCFP
Rule 1: Identify 1 functional user for each agent
in the OO-Method object model.
Defect 1: An object model without a
specification of an agent class.
Rule 5: Identify 1 functional process for each
interaction unit that can be directly accessed in
the menu of the OO-Method presentation model.
Defect 2: An OO-Method Conceptual
Model without a definition of the
presentation model.
Defect 3: A presentation model without
the specification of one or more
interaction units.
Data Group
Rule 6: Identify 1 data group for each class
defined in the OO-Method object model, which
does not participate in an inheritance hierarchy.
Defect 4: An object model without the
specifications of one or more classes.
Defect 5: A class without a name.
Defect 6: Classes with a repeated
Rule 9: Identify the set attributes of the classes
defined in the OO-Method object model.
Defect 7: A class without the definition
of one or more attributes.
Defect 8: A class with attributes with
repeated names.
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