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Fig. 2. Research method
Step 2 and 3 are performed iteratively, with consecutive updates of the guide. After
each reviewing process, a concrete experiment is planned bringing feedbacks and
updates to the guide. These modifications are then validated or modified through
another expert review and a new experiment can be started. After several iterations,
the guide should be freely available to SMEs.
4 Initial Experiment
The initial experiment was conducted in a SME in Luxembourg called Codasystem
[16]. This company offers innovative security services based on new information tech-
nologies. The value proposition associated to their services is based on the management
of the authenticity of digital documents. The Codasystem product addresses the need for
a reliable, secure and easy to use system capable of circumventing falsification risks
both on electronic documents and exchanges. Currently, solutions available on the mar-
ket are focused on securing exchanges (authentication, email signatures, cryptography).
No solution exists that could provide indisputable proof in court for both the electronic
document and its exchange. Codasystem offers the first integrated solution for the crea-
tion of digital proofs and their secure distribution (see Figure 3). The solution of Coda-
system has been examined by a law firm expert in digitalisation and legal property, and
has received approval regarding its legal value. The technology of Codasystem is
patented in France and extended worldwide.
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