Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Ginige, A., Murugesan, S.: Web Engineering: An Introduction. IEEE Multimedia (Janu-
ary- March 2001)
2. Baresi, L., Garzotto, F., Paolini, P.: From Web Sites to Web Applications: New Issues for
Conceptual Modeling. In: Mayr, H.C., Liddle, S.W., Thalheim, B. (eds.) ER Workshops
2000. LNCS, vol. 1921, p. 89. Springer, Heidelberg (2000)
3. Coleman, G., O'Connor, R.: Software Process in Practice: A Grounded Theory of the Irish
Software Industry. In: Richardson, I., Runeson, P., Messnarz, R. (eds.) EuroSPI 2006.
LNCS, vol. 4257, pp. 28-39. Springer, Heidelberg (2006)
4. Ginige, A., Murugesan, S.: The Essence of Web Engineering. IEEE Multimedia (April-
June 2001)
5. Fraternali, P.: Tools and Approaches for Developing Data-Intensive Web Applications: A
Survey. ACM Computer Surveys 31(3) (1999)
6. Pressman, R.: What a Tangled Web We Weave. IEEE Software (January-February 2000)
7. Avison, D., Fitzgerald, G.: Where now for Development Methodologies. Communications
of the ACM 46(1) (2003)
8. Gellersen, H., Gaedke, M.: Object-Oriented Web Application Development. IEEE Internet
Computing (Januaruy-February 1999)
9. Frokjar, E., Hertzum, M., Hornbak, K.: Measuring Usability: Are Effectiveness, Effi-
ciency, and Satisfaction Really Correlated? In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on
Human factors in computing systems. ACM Press, New York (2000)
10. Juristo, N., Windl, H., Constantine, L.: Introducing Usability. IEEE Software (January-
February 2001)
11. Mayhew, D.: The Usability Engineering Lifecycle. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco
12. Seffah, A., Metzker, E.: The Obstacles and Myths of Usability and Software Engineering.
Communications of the ACM 47(12) (2004)
13. Folmer, E., van Gurp, J., Bosch, J.: A Framework for Capturing the Relationship between
Usability and Software Architecture. Software Process Improvement and Practice 8(2)
14. Anderson, J., Fleek, F., Garrity, K., Drake, F.: Integrating Usability Techniques into Soft-
ware Development. IEEE Software (January-February 2001)
15. Mao, J., Vredenburg, K., Smith, P., Carey, T.: The State of User-Centered Design Practice.
Communications of the ACM 48(3) (2005)
16. Radle, K., Young, S.: Partnering Usability with Development: How Three Organizations
Succeeded. IEEE Software (January-February 2001)
17. Wixon, D.: Evaluation Usability Methods: Why the Current Literature Fails the Practitio-
ner. Interactions (July-August 2003)
18. Constantine, L., Lockwood, L.: Usage-Centered Engineering for Web Applications. IEEE
Software (March-April 2002)
19. Cloyd, M.: Designing User-Centered Web Applications in Web Time. IEEE Software
(January-February 2001)
20. Lazar, J.: User-Centred Web Development. Jones and Bartlett Computer Science (2000)
21. Lowe, D., Eklund, J.: Client Needs and the Design Process in Web Projects. Journal of
Mobile Multimedia 1(1) (2005)
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