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3. Rubin, V., Günther, C.W., van der Aalst, W.M.P., Kindler, E., van Dongen, B.F., Schäfer,
W.: Process Mining Framework for Software Processes. In: Wang, Q., Pfahl, D., Raffo,
D.M. (eds.) ICSP 2007. LNCS, vol. 4470, pp. 169-181. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)
4. Šamalíková, J., Kusters, R., Trienekens, J., Weijters, T., Siemons, P.: Discovering the
Change Control Process in a Software Development Environment using Process Mining.
Submitted Information and Software technology journal (2008)
5. van Beest, N.R.T., Maruster, L.: A Process Mining Approach to Redesign Business Proc-
esses - A Case Study in Gas Industry. In: Proceedings of Proceedings of the Ninth Interna-
tional Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SY-
NACS, pp. 541-548 (2007)
6. van der Aalst, W.M.P., van Dongen, B.F., Herbst, J., Maruster, L., Schimm, G.: Workflow
mining: A survey of issues and approaches. Data & Knowledge Engineering 47(2), 237-267
7. Weijters, A.J.M.M., van der Aalst, W.M.P., Alves de Medeiros, A.K.: Process Mining with
the Heuristics Miner Algorithm 1. BETA Working Paper Series, WP 166. Eindhoven Uni-
versity of Technology, Eindhoven (2006)
8. Weiss, C., Premraj, R., Zimmermann, T., Zeller, A.: How Long Will It Take to Fix This
Bug? In: Proceedings of MSR 2007: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on
Mining Software Repositories (2007)
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