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Vision of FindYourWay AG:
Advantage through integrated intelligent communication
Mission of the FindYourWay AG:
Providing essential solutions for mobility
Objectives of the FindYourWay AG:
The organizational objectives are allocated to the four dimensions of the bal-
anced scorecard; financial, customer, process, and leaning and growth dimen-
sion (Figure 5 shows an excerpt of the organizational objectives).
Based on the organization objectives (see figure 6) FindYourWay AG has to derive
innovation objectives. The Connected Innovation Driver Process Group includes 14
drivers of innovation and can be used for prioritization of innovation objectives (Re-
mark: The prioritization of the innovation objectives will be done in the Concept
Evaluation process).
Financial Perspective
Increase of ROI
Increase of total revenue
Business Process
Customer Perspective
Increase Customer
Satisfaction and Locality
Extended product and
service portfolio
Decrease of error rate
Reduce development effort
and timeline
Learning and Growth
Establish a platform for idea
Educational training in
innovation management
Fig. 5. Excerpt of the organizational objectives
Within a brainstorming session of the strategic business team (CEO, Head of prod-
uct management, head of product development, head of sales management) the fol-
lowing four Connected Innovation Driver Processes were identified:
CID.1 Product and Service Innovation Process ( Æ Extended product and
service portfolio)
CID.3 Customer and Market Innovation Process ( Æ Extended product and
service portfolio)
CID.9 Process Innovation Process ( Æ Decrease of error rate, Æ Reduce de-
velopment effort and timeline)
CID.14 Human Resource Innovation Process ( Æ Educational training in in-
novation management)
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