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pre-game phase consists in a light planning process where representative cus-
tomers and members of the Scrum Team capture requirements as US; the result
is the product backlog , a list of known US. Then US are prioritized and divided
into short time-framed iterations called sprints . A sprint is a 2-4 weeks period
of development time. Each sprint has a sprint planning meeting at the sprint
beginning where the Product Owner and Team plan together about what to be
done for the next sprint; the result is the sprint backlog , a list of US and tasks
that must be performed to achieve the sprint goal , i.e., to deliver an increment
valuable functionality of the final product. During the execution of each sprint,
the team meets daily in 15-minute meetings to track the work progress answer-
ing three questions [28]: What have I done since the last Scrum meeting?, What
will I do before the next Scrum meeting?, What prevents me from performing
my work as eciently as possible?
Anything that prevents a team member from performing his work as eciently
as possible is an impediment. The ScrumMaster is in charge of ensuring imped-
iments get resolved; for it project adjustments could be necessary. At the end
of the sprint, in the sprint review meeting , the Team asks the Product Owner
whether the goals were met, the Product Owner could change US, add US, etc.
Finally a retrospective meeting is held between the Team and ScrumMaster to
discuss what was well and what could be improved for the next sprint; this is
an estimate and tracking activity to achieve continuous improvement; i.e., ret-
rospective meetings provide feedback to apply needed changes and adjustments
for the next sprint.
2.3 Related Work
Existing literature has summarized that CMMI and agile are compatible [10,20,
31,23,24,25,26,27,32,33,34,35], even that hybrid approaches that combine both
agile methods and methods based on the CMM 1 are feasible and necessary [36].
Only few works show how to achieve CMMI levels with agile practices, some of
them are high level, theoretical and dicult to implement in a general full soft-
ware product life cycle, and often do not provide specific details and examples.
Theoretical comparisons between XP and CMM claim that XP does not fulfill
CMM requirements but it may be possible to construct a process that fulfills
CMM level 2 and 3 by adding sound practices to XP [34,23,33]. Vriens suggests
that it is possible to achieve CMM levels 2 process areas using a combination of
XP and Scrum as the base for the software development process [24]. Kahkonen
and Abrahamsson [35] have reported empirical evidences when CMMI is used
for assessing software development processes where XP practices are used. Af-
terward, some works haver assert that CMMI level 5 may be possible [32, 27].
Fritzsche and Keil [25], in turn, state that level 4 or 5 are not feasible under the
current specifications of CMMI and XP, and describe the limitations of CMMI in
an agile environment. Pikkarainen and Mantyniemi [21] propose an approach for
agile software development assessment and improvement strategies using CMMI;
1 Some studies are related to the previous version of CMMI.
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