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land-based aircraft of different kinds, the postures described below should
suffice for purposes of analysis (see Figure 3 ).
Posture I involves a systematic separation of the pit from the weapon assembly
both of which, in turn, are stored away from their aircraft delivery system.
Posture II involves the same configuration but uses a missile as delivery system;
the missile, as well as its launch system, is stored separately. This configuration
obviously applies only to the land-based component of the deterrent force, since
a sea-based deterrent either does not permit such a degree of separation or
permits it only under outlandish technical and operational assumptions so to
render it highly infeasible.
The other postures describe various modes of deployment which involve
smaller degrees of separation. Posture III involves separating the pit from the
weapon assembly and storing these separately from the missile delivery systems
which are maintained, however, in integrated form with both missiles and
launchers mated routinely. Posture IV involves a further diminution in the degree
of separation, with the missile, its launcher, and the weapon assembly, routinely
maintained in integrated form minus only the nuclear pit, which is stored
separately and away from the rest of the integrated system.
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