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Jean Waelbroeck, 'Half a Century of Development Economics: A Review Based on
the Handbook of Development Economics' World Bank Economic Review 12
(1999) pp.323-52.
The 'commanding heights', a phrase first used by Lenin to describe his New
Economic Policy in 1922, is also a stock phrase in the lexicon of scholars of Indian
state socialism.
'McKinsey Suggests Action Plan for 10 Per Cent GDP Growth', Financial Express,
7 Sept. 2001; 'India Urged to Cut Red Tape to Boost Growth', Financial Times, 7
Sept. 2001.
It is beyond the scope of this paper to address questions of the efficacy of different
kinds of neo-liberal reforms or the impact they have upon development.
These three topics—Gandhi's reform attempts, the 1991 crisis, and the decade of
reform—have generated extensive articles and book-length treatments. For
information on Gandhi's reform efforts, see Vijay Joshi and I.M.D.Little India:
Macroeconomics and Political Economy, 1964-1991 (Washington DC: World
Bank 1994); Atul Kohli, 'The Politics of Liberalisation in India', World
Development 17/3 (1989). For information on the 1991 crisis and the immediate
response of the Indian government, see Jagdish Bhagwati, India in Transition:
Freeing the Economy (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1993); Bimal Jalan India's
Economic Crisis: The Way Ahead (New Delhi: Oxford University Press 1991);
Bimal Jalan The Indian Economy: Problems and Prospects (New Delhi: Viking
1992); Kaushik Basu, 'Structural Reform in India, 1991-1993', Economic and
Political Weekly 28/48, 27 Nov. 1993; T.N.Srinivasan, 'Reform of Industrial and
Trade Policies', Economic and Political Weekly 26/37 14 Sept. 1991. For
information on India's economic reforms during the 1990s, see Isher Judge
Ahluwalia and I.M.D.Little (eds.), India's Economic Reforms and Development:
Essays for Manmohan Singh (New Delhi: Oxford University Press 1998); Vijay
Joshi and I.M.D.Little, India's Economic Reforms, 1991-2001 (Oxford: Oxford
University Press 1996); Jeffrey D.Sachs, Ashutosh Varshney and Nirupam Bajpai
(eds.), India in the Era of Economic Reforms (New Delhi: Oxford University Press
1999); Deepak Nayyar, Economic Liberalization in India: Analytics, Experience
and Lessons (Hyderabad: Orient Longman 1996); World Bank, India 1998
Macroeconomic Update: Reforming for
Growth and Poverty Reduction
(Washington DC: World Bank 1998).
The arguments linking regime type to reform ability are reviewed in Adam
Przeworski and Fernando Limongi, 'Political Regimes and Economic Growth',
Journal of Economic Perspectives 7 (Summer 1993) pp.51-69.
Barbara Geddes, 'Challenging the Conventional Wisdom' in Larry Diamond and
Marc F. Plattner (eds.), Economic Reform and Democracy (Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins Press 1995); Nicolas van de Walle, 'Crisis and Opportunity in Africa', in
Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner (eds.), Economic Reform and Democracy
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press 1995) pp.155-7.
Vijay Joshi and I.M.D.Little, India's Economic Reforms, 1991-2001 (New York:
Oxford University Press 1996). The importance of political economic perspectives
in explaining India's reforms is underscored in the work of these prominent
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