Information Technology Reference
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The potential for technology virtualization seems almost limitless as
enterprises take advantage of huge resource and storage pools, enhanced
network bandwidth, and improved management utilities. Users can now
remotely access their desktop workstations from anywhere in the world,
while server farms and their attendant power requirements are collapsing
by h a l f or bet ter a is h a rdwa re ser ver sprawl i is bei ng c h a n neled i into a sm a l ler
number of powerful servers supporting software system emulations.
Virtual storage solutions can make use of every scrap of space through-
out an entire enterprise, while others may ensure that necessary data is
available on the best connected server by replicating a virtual volume
throughout the enterprise. Combinations of high-performance comput-
ing strategies and service virtualization have led to the virtualization of
entire network infrastructural elements into “the Cloud.” These solutions
promise incredible advantages in utilization, efficiency, and cost manage-
ment—and the decisions made today will affect their availability down
the road.
Mobile Technologies
As network bandwidth and portable computing power increase, the office
is leaving a physical building and becoming more a matter of availability
anywhere, anytime. Weather, sports, navigation and other personal inter-
est data is readily at hand, while network management and server console
access no longer requires anything more than a WiFi hotspot at the local
coffee house or a cellular data link from the back nine at the local coun-
try club. The ability to remotely access and manipulate information that
remains safe on its host system can help to alleviate business issues for
corporations working across national boundaries that may restrict where
information may be exported. The ability to virtually access supercom-
puting power from a mobile handheld device is one of the most powerful
causes for change in the modern enterprise.
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
As remote access and network connectivity improve, many enterprises are
adopting the service-oriented approach to application development. By
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