Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 7
Storing Information
In This Chapter
• An examination of file storage mandates in an extended enterprise
• Considerations for storage policy planning
• Examination of the need to plan for data storage management
through end of life and disposal
Calculating mechanisms have existed for centuries, from the venerable
abacus to Charles Babbage's difference engine. The Antikythera mecha-
nism was an analog computing device dating from early Greek culture.
Calculating mechanisms such as these were limited by the inability to
access programmatic information and store results for later processing.
Joseph Jacquard is credited with the earliest recognizable form of auto-
mated machine programming, having created a loom that could adapt
color patterns based on a series of hole-punched cards passing through
the loom. Earlier paper-tape looms required manual tape entry, as would
many more recent reel-to-reel forms of magnetic storage.
Although Jacquard's loom was not technically a computing device,
his system of punched cards was adopted in early electronic computing
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