Information Technology Reference
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such as Microsoft's Exchange platform and Novell's Groupwise. The
specific features included in each groupware platform may vary slightly,
such as the inclusion of functionality supporting access through Internet
Web clients or easy identification of free time for event invitees. These
features can greatly extend the availability of messaging resources for
mobile users or those who may not always access network resources from
the same computer.
The Virtual Offi ce
Groupware solutions have created the concept of a virtual office space.
By abstracting communication mechanisms so that users can interact
with their peers from any location, organizations can make use of human
resources located anywhere in the world. In addition to home-office tele-
commuting and off-shoring, this functionality can allow organizations
to reach into new territories without the expense and delay required to
obtain a fixed physical location. Using a laptop equipped with a cellular
data link, staff members can set up shop with full access to centralized
resources almost anywhere in the world.
With so many technologies available to users, an organization may find it
necessary to create a central point of contact. Internet and intranet Web
portals provide users with a single point of contact that carries both gen-
eral and personalized content, as shown in Figure 6.11.
Portals and business intelligence dashboards provide information
aggregation as well as access to a wide variety of communications mecha-
nisms. Specialized applications can be created and deployed automatically
within the portal environment using accepted standards for portlet and
Web part construction. Large support communities exist for many por-
tal technologies, increasing the availability of already-tested solutions for
common requirements.
I n a dd it ion to c om merc i a l pro duc t s suc h a s M icro s of t Sh a rePoi nt , L ot u s
Domino, and IBM's WebSphere Portal, a wide variety of FOSS portal
solutions exist as well. Before investing in commercial solutions that fully
integrate with user productivity suites, architects should consider creating
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