Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.8 Wiki page for the Project XYZ testing group, showing editing
controls and change history access.
page. This helps to reduce the impact of open-contribution vandalism
and also allows teams to step back to an earlier project state if it turns out
that the selected path of inquiry or development does not produce desired
results. By rolling back to an earlier state, a project wiki can be used to
“reset” research or development projects so that team members can move
forward from that earlier familiar point more easily.
Contributions and changes can be made available to any user with an
Internet Web browser and network access, or may be limited to approved
content editors only. Project and product wikis may be implemented as a
part of an organizational intranet, allowing access only within the organi-
zational network. Wikis may be used to coordinate internal policies and
guidelines, project development and testing, and almost any other form
of community topic management in which the ability to add, edit, review,
recover historical information, and cross-reference content is desirable.
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