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hardware, software, and media throughout the enterprise to ensure that
obsolescence is managed in a planned manner.
Hidden Obsolescence
The emergence of service-oriented architectural programming methods
has given new life to legacy systems near the end of their life cycle. By pro-
viding an XML-based Web service wrapper and securing these systems
behind more modern technologies, the lifespan of legacy technologies and
old “big iron” systems could stretch out almost forever (or until the last
RLL or MFM drive is consumed). This attenuation of the technology life
cycle provides time to transfer services to more modern alternatives, but it
should not be accepted as a permanent long-term strategy.
Hardware replacement, service patch and update, expanding main-
tenance skills, and even data center facilities requirements can become
risks to continued operation when legacy systems are maintained beyond
obsolescence. A CIO must identify these systems and plan for their retire-
ment in a controlled fashion, before they retire themselves through lack of
suitable replacement parts or other similar unplanned event.
Good Enough Architecture
The enterprise architect should keep in mind Pareto's 80/20 rule when-
ever confronted by the full expanse of an enterprise network. It is not
always possible to impose 100% solutions, such as a completely standard-
ized workstation hardware and software package used by every person in
the enterprise. Enterprise architectural projects become nearly impossible
when they aim for unattainable goals, and so the strategies presented here
should be considered when aiming for the first 80% of the desired solu-
tion. Once that has been attained, then planning can begin for 80% of
what remains in turn.
Value in an enterprise must include not only monetary, but also regu-
latory, legal compliance and recoverability measures for the enterprise
and the organization it serves. A network enterprise can be considered
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