Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix B. Getting started with Java EE 7 SDK
This appendix is a general guide for the installation of the Java EE 7 SDK. We'll provide
the basic instructions for installing the software and give a very brief introduction to the
GlassFish Administration Console. We won't go into much more detail because document-
ation on any Java EE server can be an entire book on its own. We suggest you check out the
GlassFish home page ( ) for additional information on how to use
and configure GlassFish.
The ActionBazaar code examples for this topic are all Maven-based and generate artifacts
that may be deployed to GlassFish. This appendix will show you how to build and deploy
the “Hello World” application from chapter 1 .
B.1. Installing the Java EE 7 SDK
Oracle offers a Java EE 7 development kit bundle that includes a JDK installation as well.
This is the quickest and easiest way to get everything you need to start working with EJB 3
applications. The bundle includes:
• JDK 7
• GlassFish
• EE 7 code samples
• EE 7 API Javadocs
• Oracle's EE 7 tutorial
The bundle is downloadable from Oracle's website at
java/javaee/downloads/index.html . Your download options are the Java EE 7 SDK with and
without a JDK and the Java EE 7 Web Profile SDK with and without a JDK. The easiest
download to start with is the Java EE 7 SDK with a JDK. This will give you a complete
EE server installation with the appropriate JDK to run it. The Web Profile SDK download is
not a complete EE server, and although it's very useful, you should use a complete EE serv-
er until you're comfortable with the technology and are able to make an informed decision
between the two. As of this writing, the most up-to-date and complete download is Java EE
7 SDK with JDK 7 Update 45, and the file downloaded is java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-windows.exe.
Downloads for all major platforms are available as well.
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