Java Reference
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For this integration test, the first thing to look at is a call to get the moduleName system
property . What is this property? This property is used to perform JNDI lookups of
the EJBs after the embedded container is started. Where does this property come from?
Recall the configuration change you made to maven-surefire-plugin in pom.xml.
You use the chapter15-ejb.version property value in pom.xml to generate the
moduleName for maven-surefire-plugin , and then maven-surefire-plu-
gin passes moduleName to the integration test, which gets moduleName as a system
property. You do this because moduleName depends on the version of the chapter-
15-ejb project. To prevent duplicating this version, you pass it to the integration test.
This makes changing the value in the future much easier.
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