Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The first thing you see in this unit test is that it has a number of class-level properties .
These properties will have similar values for all the unit tests so they're pushed to the class
level to avoid a lot of repeated code.
Next is the annotated @Before method responsible for setting these class-level properties
before a test is run. Member is created with static data for the test. The same is
also done for MembershipLevel . MembershipLevelManager gets some spe-
cial treatment because it's mocked using Mockito.mock() . Mocking allows you
to easily define how the object is to behave during the unit test. The Mockito.when()
method is used to set behavior for the unit test so that when findByMemberId()
is called with member.getId() as the method parameter, the mocked Member-
shipLevelManager object will return the MembershipLevel object instance. Once
the mock is created, you can create an instance of DiscountManagerBean
, which
is the class you want to unit test.
Test only one class at a time
You may be wondering how you'll know if MembershipLevelManager is working
when you mock it. After all, if you mock MembershipLevelManager , you're not ex-
ecuting its code.
Remember, this is okay because the focus of this unit test is on the DiscountManager-
Bean . The unit test should focus only on DiscountManagerBean and mock any de-
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