Java Reference
In-Depth Information
1.6.1. Previous EJB 2 features now optional
Support for EJB 2 has been made optional by EJB 3.2. This means a fully compliant Java
EE 7 application server no longer needs to support EJB 2-style entities beans. EJB QL and
JAX-RPC have also been made optional.
1.6.2. Enhancements to message-driven beans
In EJB 3.2, MDBs have been given a major overhaul. The update to JMS 2.0 brings a sim-
plified API as well as integration with advances to Java in other areas such as dependen-
cy injection with CDI. It also makes using the javax.jms.MessageListener inter-
face optional, giving you the ability to create an MDB with a no-methods listener interface,
which makes public methods of the class message listener methods. Here's a quick look at
the simplified API for MDB.
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