Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 14.12. MessageHandler interface
In this listing you can see the two subinterfaces that can be implemented. Both of these
subinterfaces have an onMessage method. The interface uses Java's Generics so that you
can be certain about the type to be passed to the implementation. If the type is a custom
Java object or domain object from the application, then the decoder registered on the end-
point will be used. The partial handler interface includes a flag denoting whether the chunk
of data passed in is complete.
There are some drawbacks to implementing the MessageHandler interface. Although
we haven't covered the @OnMessage annotation yet, with the @OnMessage annotation
you can optionally receive a javax.websocket.Session instance along with the
data. You'd use the Session object to send data back to the client. Also, because a Mes-
sageHandler isn't a managed object, you can't inject references to EJBs, entity man-
agers, and the like into it.
The code for the ChatMessageHandler is shown in the listing that follows. This mes-
sage handler is used both by the endpoints bidder and seller and by the CSR.
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