Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 13.7. Contents of WAR module
Similar to creating an EJB-JAR module with NetBeans, you'll notice there's no ejb-jar.xml.
This is because the project doesn't have one yet. To add one, right-click the project, choose
New, and then choose Standard Deployment Descriptor. NetBeans will then add an empty
ejb-jar.xml file to the project. Unlike the EJB-JAR module, for a WEB module, NetBeans
will create WEB-INF/ejb-jar.xml. When packaging session and message-driven beans in a
WAR module, the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor goes in the WEB-INF subdirectory,
When using Maven to create a WAR module, use <packaging>war</packaging>
as the POM packaging type. Use the maven-war-plugin to customize how Maven cre-
ates the WAR. The next listing shows a minimal POM file that will create a WAR module.
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