Java Reference
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@Target( { TYPE, METHOD, FIELD })
public @interface CurrentUser {}
With this new annotation, you've consolidated @SessionScoped ,
@Authenticated-User , and @Named down to @CurrentUser . You can see this
annotation in action in the simplified code for the CurrentUserBean :
@Named @SessionScoped
public class CurrentUserBean implements Serializable {
@Produces @CurrentUser
public User getCurrentUser() {
There are some ground rules for defining stereotypes. Stereotypes can encapsulate the fol-
lowing CDI annotations:
• Scope
• Interceptor bindings
• Named annotation for JSF integration
• Alternative annotation
You can't include other annotations such as those from JPA or EJB within a stereotype. You
also can't include @Produces and other lifecycle annotations within a stereotype.
CDI ships with a built-in stereotype, @Model , for beans that are intended for the model
component of the model-view-controller pattern. The @Model annotation is defined as fol-
@Target(value = {ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public @interface Model {}
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