Java Reference
In-Depth Information
As you can see in this listing, the name of the Employee bean is employee per the bean-
naming conventions in Java. As a result, the first letter is lowercase. Without the @Named
annotation, JSF would have been unable to resolve employee .
Let's next look at scoping. We've discussed contexts and scoping earlier in the chapter.
Listing 12.2 contained a @RequestScoped annotation that may have seemed a little
12.2.3. Bean scoping
Earlier we discussed the concept of contexts and scopes; both terms are used interchange-
ably. CDI comes with four scopes and two pseudo-scopes. Every bean is associated with a
scope and the scope determines the lifecycle of the bean. When the scope is destroyed, so
is the bean. The scope of a bean is configured using annotations that are placed on the class
or a producer method (we'll cover this shortly). The annotations for the different scopes are
documented in table 12.1 .
Table 12.1. Scopes/contexts in CDI
An instance is created only once for the duration of the application and is destroyed once
the application is terminated.
An instance is created each time an injection is performed. This is the default scope of a
bean and is used the vast majority of the time.
This is a new scope type that was introduced with CDI but existed in JBoss's Seam. It's a
scope that's programmatically controlled by the application. It spans multiple requests but
is shorter than the session scope. In a web application, conversations are used for a task
that spans multiple page requests. For example, this is how you'd handle the situations
where a user is booking two different vacations in two different browser tabs.
This scope corresponds to the standard HTTP request. It begins when a request arrives
and is discarded when the response is rendered.
This scope corresponds to the HTTP session. References live for the duration of the ses-
If no annotation is placed on a bean, the bean is automatically assigned to the dependent
scope. This means that a new instance of the bean will be created each time the bean is in-
jected. The vast majority of the beans in an application will probably be dependent-scoped.
For web applications, JSF-backing beans should be in either the request or the conversation
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