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Using interceptors for programmatic security
In EJB 3 you can set up interceptors that are invoked before and after (around) any EJB
business method. This facility is ideal for crosscutting concerns that shouldn't be duplic-
ated in every method. You could reimplement listing 6.8 using interceptors instead of hard-
coding security in the business method, as in the following listing.
Listing 6.9. Using interceptors with programmatic security
The SecurityInterceptor class method checkUserRole is designated as
Around-Invoke , meaning it would be invoked whenever a method is intercepted .
In the method you check to see if the Principal is CSR . If the role isn't correct, you
throw a SecurityException . The BidManagerBean , on the other hand, specifies
the SecurityInterceptor class as the interceptor for the cancelBid method
Note that although using interceptors helps matters a bit in terms of removing hardcoding
from business logic, there's no escaping the fact that there's still a significant amount of
hardcoding. Basically you've moved the hardcoding from the business method to the inter-
ceptors. Moreover, unless you're using a simple security scheme where most EJB methods
have similar authorization rules and you can reuse a small number of interceptors across
the application, things could become complicated very quickly. In effect, you'd have to re-
sort to writing ad hoc interceptors for method-specific authentication combinations. Con-
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