Java Reference
In-Depth Information
A good analogy for JMS messages is mailing envelopes. Let's see how this analogy fits.
Message headers
Headers are name-value pairs common to all messages. In the envelope analogy, the mes-
sage header is the standard information found on the typical postal letter: the to and from
addresses, postage, and postmark. For example, the JMS message version of a mail post-
mark is the JMSTimestamp header. MOM sets this header to the current time when the
message is sent.
Here are some other commonly used JMS headers:
Message properties
Message properties are similar to headers but are explicitly created by the application in-
stead of being standard across messages. Continuing with the envelope analogy, if you de-
cide to write “Happy Holidays” on the envelope to let the receiver know the envelope con-
tains a gift or a note, the text is a property instead of a header. In the ActionBazaar example,
one way to mark a shipping request as “Fragile” would be to add a boolean property
Fragile and set it to true :
Message.setBooleanProperty("Fragile", true);
A property can be a boolean , byte , double , float , int , long , short , String ,
or Object .
Message body
The message body contains the contents of the envelope; it's the payload of the message.
What you're trying to send in the body determines what message type you should use.
In listing 4.1 , javax.jms.ObjectMessage is used because you're sending out the
ShippingRequest Java object. Alternatively, you could have chosen to send
BytesMessage , MapMessage , StreamMessage , or TextMessage . Each of these
message types has a slightly different interface and usage pattern. There are no hard-and-
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