Java Reference
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as either read or write and also specify time-out for methods that may block. With bean-
managed concurrency, it's up to you to use Java's concurrency features such as the syn-
chronized and volatile primitives or the java.util.concurrent API to man-
age concurrent access and ensure correctness.
An annotation is used to specify which concurrency management approach is being used.
If no annotation is provided, container-managed concurrency is assumed. This was the case
in listing 3.3 . The annotation/parameter combinations are as follows for each concurrency
management method:
ment(ConcurrencyManagementType.BEAN)— Bean concurrency man-
ment(ConcurrencyManagementType.CONTAINER)— Container concur-
rency management
The @ConcurrencyManagement annotation is to be placed on the bean class, not the
business interface:
@Target(value = {ElementType.TYPE})
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public @interface ConcurrencyManagement {
public ConcurrencyManagementType value() default
Container-managed concurrency
Container-managed concurrency is the default setting for singleton session beans. By
default, all bean methods are serialized via write locks. In the case of the De-
faultFeaturedItem in listing 3.3 , only one thread may execute the
getFeaturedItem method at a time. This is obviously not what you want: if a thousand
clients are hitting the site at the same time, making each one of them wait to see the featured
item isn't a good idea for performance, not to mention sales. Two annotation combinations
are provided by the EJB specification, enabling you to tell the container what type of lock-
ing behavior you really want:
@Lock(LockType.READ)— This method can be accessed concurrently while
no one holds a write lock on the bean.
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