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Do the check and the move the ball
Start path
ctx.arc(ballx, bally,
Set up to draw of circle at current location of ball
Fill in the path; that is, draw a filled circle
Draw rectangle outline
Close moveball
function moveandcheck() {
Start of moveandcheck
var nballx = ballx + ballvx;
Set tentative next x position
var nbally = bally +ballvy;
Set tentative next y position
if (nballx > boxboundx) {
Is this x value beyond the right wall?
ballvx =-ballvx;
If so, change vertical displacement
nballx = boxboundx;
Set the next x to be exactly at this boundary.
Close clause
if (nballx < inboxboundx) {
Is this x value less than the right boundary?
nballx = inboxboundx
If so, set the x value to be exactly at the boundary
ballvx = -ballvx;
Change the vertical displacement
Close clause
if (nbally > boxboundy) {
Is the y value beyond the bottom boundary?
nbally = boxboundy;
If so, set the y value to be exactly at the boundary
ballvy =-ballvy;
Change the horizontal displacement
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