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if (ac>0) {
if statement to determine if there
were any aces
if ((sumup+10)<=21) {
If so, asks if making one of the aces
take on the value of 11 still yield a
total less than 21
sumup +=10;
If yes, do it
Closes inner if
Closes outer if
housetotal = sumup;
Sets the global variable to be the
if (sumup<17) {
Asks if the sum is under 17
return true;
Returns true if so, meaning its OK
to get one more card
Closes clause
else {
Begins else clause
return false;
Return false , meaning the dealer
won't get another card
Closes the else clause
Closes the function
function dealfromdeck(who) {
Header for the function to deal from
the deck
var card;
Holds the card
var ch = 0;
Holds the index for the next undealt
while ((deck[ch].dealt>0)&&(ch<51)) {
Asks if this card has been dealt
Increases ch to go on to the next
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