HTML and CSS Reference
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var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; Defines letters of the alphabet, used for
alphabet buttons
var alphabety = 300;
Vertical position for all alphabet buttons
var alphabetx = 20;
Starting alphabet horizontal position
var alphabetwidth = 25;
Width allocated for the alphabet elements
var secret;
Will hold the secret word
var lettersguessed = 0;
Keeps count of letters guessed
var secretx = 160;
Horizontal starting position for secret word
var secrety = 50;
Vertical position for secret word
var secretwidth = 50;
Width allocated for each letter in display of
secret word
var gallowscolor = "brown";
Color for the gallows
var facecolor = "tan";
Color for the face
var bodycolor = "tan";
Color for the body
var noosecolor = "#F60";
Color for the noose
var bodycenterx = 70;
Horizontal position for the body
var steps = [
Holds the functions constituting the sequence
of drawings for the progression toward the
Draws the gallows
Draws the head
Draws the body
Draws the right arm
Draws the left arm
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