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this.sheight = sheight;
…. height = info;
info (the number
of sides)
this.draw = drawback;
Specify how to draw
Close the function
function makedeck() {
Function header for
setting up the deck
var i;
Used in the for loop
var acard;
Variable to hold the
first of a pair of cards
var bcard;
Variable to hold the
second of a pair of
var cx = firstsx;
Variable to hold the x
coordinate. Start out
at the first x position.
var cy = firstsy;
Will hold the y
coordinate. Start out
at the first y position.
for(i=3;i<9;i++) {
Loop to generate
cards for triangles
through octagons
acard = new Card(cx,cy,cardwidth,cardheight,i);
Create a card and
Add to deck
bcard = new
Create a card with the
same info, but below
the previous card on
Add to deck
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